
Gameface is a photographic celebration of the people who make

Gameface is a photographic celebration of the people who make, play and love video games.”To: BrianFrom: LukeHere's what you missed:Colorbind Is The Excellent iPhone Game I Meant To BuyPortal 2's Robots Are Trying To Escape Its Box ArtWhy Minecraft Is So Damn PopularModern Ware Creators Taking Damage From Legal FeesYou Can replica Omega 2908.50.83 Men's Watch Now Install Your Own “Custom” PS3 FirmwareGaming's Newest Console Is...A Bunch Of Blocks?Blowing Up Blocks Rarely Looks This Good”I don't know what it is about fighting game fans that makes them so passionate about their genre of choice they go and make documentaries about it, but I like it.

“Run It Back” is a short doco by Zaid Tabani, which takes a look at a group of Street Fighter players working their way through the regional finals of a tournament.It's got fighting game footage and a ton of interviews, and while the whole thing is a little rough, the raw enthusiasm on show (and interviews with guys like Daigo) makes it well worth watching.This is the third and final instalment of Run It Back; hit the Vimeo link below to replica Omega 2210.50 Men's Watch see the other two.”We know, Christmas was so last week, but indulge us. This is so good it doesn't matter what time of the year you watch it.This is “8-Bit Holiday”, by Andrew Jive, and shows what the video game characters of yesteryear get up to in the dead of night while we humans sleep and wait for Santa.

"Publisher THQ just got the rights to make video games based on a whole range of Mattel toy properties. Think Barbie, Hot Wheels, Fisher Price and, most promising, Masters of the Universe."Would it be premature to say this already looks like replica Omega 2901.50.37 Watch one of 2011's prettiest games?It's Voxatron, an indie shooter in development at Lexaloffle. Sure, it's a bit sparse, but games don't look good on the basis of how many textures and models you can cram on the screen. They look good by virtue of just looking good, and Voxatron certainly looks good.