
so if you you think it looks like a more manic 3D Dot Heroes

The game is built with voxels, so if you you think it looks like a more manic 3D Dot Heroes, that's why. It's basically the same thing, constructing a game world out of pixel cubes.The devs say it's fairly - “mostly just Robotron set in a 3d destructible world with goofy creatures” - but given there's also a touch of Smash TV to the game (it's based in small “arenas”), that sounds just fine to us.It'll be out later this year on PC and Mac (plus other replica Omega 2909.50.38 Men's Watch undisclosed platforms).Voxatron [Lexaloffle, via IndieGames]”Lenovo - yes, boring old Lenovo - has one of the more interesting gaming-related products on show at this week's CES: a box that transforms a laptop computer into a pint-sized arcade cabinet.

All you do is pop the stick open and there's room to slide in a laptop. Close it back up and you have the world's cutest - albeit least practical - fighting game arcade unit.Sadly, it's not an actual product, just a gimmick thrown together for the replica Omega Planet Ocean 2209.50 wach show (it was built by Dean Liou from Envador, based on a design by the guys at EMDKAY). What's the deal, Lenovo? We wouldn't call you boring old Lenovo if you sold something like this, something that would make my kitchen counter the greatest kitchen counter in the world.

Lenovo Outs Laptop Arcade Casemod at CES [technabob]”We've already seen one way Microsoft's Kinect can be used to help bedroom game developers, but here's another, just as practical way: it can allow for home-grown motion capture.For professionals, motion-capture work is time-consuming, highly specialised and expensive. Indeed, it's one of the big reasons Rockstar's LA Noire has been so long in development.This replica Omega 2908.50.91 Men's Watch Kinect hack, though, makes it a relative breeze, cutting out those lycra suits, turning Kinect's own motion-recognition powers in on itself and using them to generate animated models. It taps into professional mo-cap software MotionBuilder and just dumps all the data right in there, in real-time.